September 25,2023 | CPQ Introducing Product Picker From

With the addition of Product Picker, is officially the most flexible and powerful configurator on the market.

With the addition of Product Picker, is officially the most flexible and powerful configurator on the market.

When designing any type of selling experience, whether it’s for your own internal sellers, your distributors, or your end customers online, it’s crucial to be able to tailor the experience. 

When it comes to quoting and product configuration in particular, ensuring things are intuitive for sellers, dealers, and customers is vital to increasing quote accuracy, efficiency, and the overall experience. At the same time, it’s critical to make sure administrators aren’t burdened with complex admin portals and custom development.

At, we believe it’s possible to maximize intuitiveness and flexibility without weighing down IT resources, which is a principle that guides our innovation roadmap. With this in mind, we’re proud to announce the launch of Product Picker, a capability within that enables product-based selection to complement our powerful attribute-based configuration model.  

What is Product Picker from

Product Picker is a new capability in, available as a field type, that allows admins to set up product selection experiences. Product Picker functions like an option menu, and the deviation from attribute-based configuration is due specifically to the ability to set up a Product Picker without global rule requirements. 

As a component within, Product Picker is distinct from other product selection configurators because it is supported and powered by the solving engine and attribute-based configuration model. 

Product Picker Interface

What is Attribute-Based Configuration?

Typically, product configurators fall into the bucket of attribute-based configurators, or product-based configurators. Attribute-based configuration is the cornerstone of’s solution and success. 

In juxtaposition with product selection configuration, attribute-based configuration requires inputs about a customer’s requirements and uses those inputs in combination with configuration rules to match the perfect fit products or set(s) of products for the customer. Rather than requiring the user to scroll through thousands of SKUs and make product selections based on memory, approximations, or features,’s solving engine and guided selling functionality leverage attribute-based configuration to outperform other configurators and offer the best possible solution.


Why is Product Picker Important?

Adding Product Picker to our attribute-based configurator makes the most flexible configuration experience on the market. 

Our customers approached us with experience making product selections in other configurators, and although they wanted to move to an attribute-based model for the majority of their configuration flow, there were specific use cases where they wanted the option to extend a simple product selection option within the attribute-based configuration engine.

For example, when a company has sales representatives who can select SKUs based on their experience and tenure, an extensive set of attribute-based questions may inadvertently slow them down from selecting the product or component they know is best suited to their customer. 

By shortening the attribute collection portion of the process with Product Picker and guided selling, the seller’s experience is combined with the guidance of to guarantee a more efficient selling experience and a perfect fit solution for the customer. is unique in its ability to extend distinct UX with the same sets of rules, so less experienced sellers or end users can be offered a more assisted selling experience without any product selection, and more experienced users can be offered more product selection through’s immense flexibility. 

Overall, customers adopting’s Product Picker as part of their configuration engine can expect: 

  • Increased Flexibility: Product Picker allows customers the flexibility to leverage both attribute based configuration and product based configuration. Doing so allows customers to architect their configuration experiences in the way that best suits their users’ needs and preferences.
  • Familiarity & Ease of Migration: For customers who are familiar with product picking functionality in Salesforce and other CPQ tools, enables a familiar approach to configuration that makes it simple to migrate and transition product-based configurations into 
  • Solution Selling: Combine the power of attribute-based and product picking to sell the most comprehensive and accurate set of solutions and deliver a more effective selling experience.

And customers who will find especially valuable are those with: 

  • Product Experts Who Don’t Require Guided Configuration: Sales reps or end users already have knowledge of the product set and you want to make it simple for them to make a product selection.
  • Simple Products That Don’t Require Attribute Inputs for Selection: Simple components, like accessories to a configured computer, including a Mouse or Headset, which are not as customizable or configurable. can combine product picking with attribute-based configuration to filter down your list of simple product selections.
  • Speed to Implementation & ROI: If a customer is moving off of a product selection-based configurator, they can prioritize highly configurable products for the rules and related field types, and include mid-tier configurable products as Product Picker fields in the initial launch.
    • This approach increases go-to-market speed and gives them the option to adjust field types in the future without having to wait for all of the products to be adapted to attribute-based configuration.
  • Omni-channel Extension
    • When a customer is leveraging across channels, they can surface different configuration experiences to different seller types to optimize their experience.
    • The more knowledge the seller has, the more Product Picker fields may be appropriate, because they do not require guided selling or attribute inputs to make the correct selection.

"Solution Selling is what our customers are asking for so they can sell hardware, software, and services all together. With Product Picker, can support both attribute-based configurations and simple product selections to make the solution packaging intuitive and efficient." - John Lehrkind, Director, Solutions & Innovation at Pierce Washington 


How Does Product Picker Get Implemented? 

Product Picker allows end users to make product selections that are added directly to the quote without needing rules to determine the product selections. Think about a drop-down of products that are easy to select independent of the configuration and rules.

In a Product Picker field, you can set up: 

  • Product Options: create the list of product selections the end-user is able to select from and add directly to their quote/cart.
  • Option Fields: create the related fields and descriptions that display within the product-picking interface to give the user more detail about what they are selecting.
  • Bulk Actions: combining the power of our attribute-based and product-based functionalities, Bulk Actions allow you to control product visibility (Option Inclusions), product auto-selections (Field Value Determinations), and quantities (Quantity Field Properties) all based on selections of any global attribute in your configuration experience.

    A Live Look Into Product Picker

How Do I Get Started? 

→ Not a customer yet and want to learn more? Reach out and we’d be happy to chat.  

→ Already a customer and want to implement it? Reach out to your CSM to get started today.

Blake Grubbs

Written By: Blake Grubbs

Blake has successfully helped several high-growth tech startups build and scale marketing over the past 10 years. Held marketing leadership roles at Seismic, Drift, Alyce, and Simplr, all who successfully doubled and tripled ARR bookings during his tenure. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management from Boston University's Questrom School of Business.