Automate Your CPQ Migration with Ease
Logik.io Migrate provides Salesforce CPQ customers with a tool to quickly move data between CPQ and Logik.io in just a few clicks.
Convert CPQ Data Faster
Save Time in Migrating to a New CPQ with Logik.io Migrate
Link Existing CPQ Instances to Logik.io for Automated Migration
Logik.io Migrate duplicates user approved data in a new Logik.io blueprint for admins to review, rather than build. By automating the simple data replication, admins can make phase 1 a design, rather than rebuild, phase.
Leverage APIs for Accuracy and Speed
Logik.io Migrate uses API calls to connect directly to any number of Salesforce CPQ instances to identify and duplicate data exactly. Manual data migration can result in unknown errors and discrepancies, take the guess work out with automation.
Select Product Bundles and Features, Let Logik.io Handle the Rest
Logik.io Migrate connects with a single click to Salesforce CPQ, immediately offers product bundles and features for the user to select for inclusion, and requires a single additonal click to create a duplicate that would otherwise take months to create manually.
How to Use Logik.io Migrate
Only a Few Clicks to Move Thousands of Data Points
Link Existing Salesforce CPQ Instance
Data in Salesforce CPQ does not need to be manipulated in order to work in Logik.io Migrate. Simply indicate to Migrate which instance is correct and allow the APIs to connect.
Select Preferred Product Data
Migrate will identify all of the product bundles and give users the option to select any data they’d like to move into Logik.io.
Generate a Logik.io Blueprint
Once the selections have been made, Logik.io will create a new blueprint including products, fields, rules, and layouts for admins to review and build in.
See Logik.io Migrate in Action
Watch this demo video of Logik.io Migrate.
Use AI to Make Admin a Breeze
See how Logik.io is incorporating artificial intelligence into the administrative process.
Write Complex Rules with the Help of Cosmo FunctionAssist
Cosmo FunctionAssist gives Logik admins the AI-assistant they need to create advanced rules faster for even your most complicated configurations. Tell Cosmo the rule you need, and FunctionAssist returns perfectly written script in seconds so you can go to market faster.
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Announcing Transaction Manager & The New CPQ
Get the details of our new transaction management offering in our press release.
Read the press releaseWatch a Demo of Logik.io's Transaction Manager
See how Transaction Manager works in this quick demo video.
Watch the videoTest Drive Logik.io’s Transaction Manager
Take our interactive guided demo to see how Logik.io’s Transaction Manager works.
Explore the guided demo