Product-Based vs. Attribute-Based Configuration: Do You Have to Choose?

Oct 25, 2023 5:32:55 PM | Product-Based vs. Attribute-Based Configuration: Do You Have to Choose?

Get a live look at our flexible solution that combines product-based and attribute-based configuration

When it comes to the complex configuration of products, services, and solutions, most configurators fall into one of two categories: attribute-based or product-based. 

Attribute-based configuration enables sellers to configure solutions that fit certain criteria and customer needs. Instead of requiring sellers to know every specific product code or SKU, attribute-based configuration is well suited when deals involve diverse and unique customer requirements, lots of features and options, a need for personalization, and/or a high cost of customization.

With product-based configuration, sellers need to be highly familiar with product catalogs and SKUs in order to select the correct products for a particular quote or deal. Product-based configuration can work well if there are well-defined variants, simple products, or standardized configurations. 

Essentially, attribute-based configuration is intuitive and designed for complexity, while product-based configuration requires greater product catalog knowledge and is useful for simpler deals.

So, what do you do when your sales environment has a blend of high complexity and some elements of standardization? While other configurators lock you into one type or the other, offers the flexibility of product-picking functionality within our attribute-based model.

Imagine what it would be like to have…

  • The flexibility to design configuration experiences that best suit your user preferences.
  • A simple way to migrate product selection experiences from other tools.
  • The ability to combine attributes and product picking to make configuring faster.

Curious to see how we make it possible?

Watch this recorded webinar, Under the Hood with Logik: Combining Attribute-Based & Product-Based Configuration to see a walkthrough of our solution and discover how Product Picker within’s attribute-based configurator can help you reach your goals.

Interested to see how could support your services sales? Our team is here to help.

Blake Grubbs

Written By: Blake Grubbs

Blake has successfully helped several high-growth tech startups build and scale marketing over the past 10 years. Held marketing leadership roles at Seismic, Drift, Alyce, and Simplr, all who successfully doubled and tripled ARR bookings during his tenure. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management from Boston University's Questrom School of Business.