Asset 6-2 for Configuration

Product Configuration- Simple.
Solution Configuration- Solved. 
Deal Structure Configuration- Easy.

No matter what type of sale, no matter how complex, is there to configure it out to make the hard stuff easy.

Trusted By

configure your most complex products

Configure and craft the perfect-fit solutions that fit exactly what your customers need, over any channel


Your business does it all? So do we.

Built to support configuration complexity with products, services, and software, together on on their own.

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Product Configuration

Configure your most complex products

Complex products with tons of pieces, parts, variations, regulations, and compliances typically aren’t the easiest to quote or sell because of the rules and dependencies that go into configuring. was built to make the complex simple.  Our logic engine handles any amount of rules easily, and our guided selling experiences assist reps and customers with every selection.

Solution Configuration

Embed Expert Selling Assistance into Every Sale

Most CPQ & commerce tools force sellers and buyers to product pick. lets you dynamically assemble the perfect combination of products, software, and services that fit your customer’s requirements. 

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Deal Structure Configuration

Spend less time on structuring deals, more time selling them

Make deal complexities like ramped deals, staggered start dates, multi-dimensional quoting and usage-based pricing simpler to manage with less spreadsheets, less workarounds, and more flexibility.  

Services Configuration

Services configuration, at your service.

From professional services, managed services, subscription services, and anything in between, was built with the flexibility to support it all. Configure even your most complex services quotes and SOWs with elements like varying contract durations,  phases, resource allocations, SLAs, varying cost of service types, and more.

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Product Feature

Learn How's Cosmo AI Enhances Product Configuration

When users are consistently configuring similar products, Cosmo remembers.

Save end-users time quoting by intelligently auto-suggesting and predicting choices based on previous selections.

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