CPQ Perspective

How to Configure Complex SaaS & Subscription Deals with Logik.io

Written by Blake Grubbs | Jul 27, 2023 4:04:21 PM

Imagine SaaS and subscription deal configuration without feeling limited by CPQ.

It may be tempting for some to think that software and subscription sales is a straightforward process. But technology sellers know the truth: configuring SaaS deals can be onerously complex. 


If you sell complex SaaS or subscription solutions and have felt let down by your CPQ tools, you’re not alone. The reality is that most CPQ tools are limited in how they can support modern B2B software sales. In fact:

  • Complex deal structures, with elements like ramped multi-year agreements or calculation-based pricing, aren’t supported by most CPQ solutions.
  • Most CPQ tools are geared toward picking SKUs and products instead of enabling reps to configure best-fit solution packages aligned to buyers’ needs.
  • Traditional CPQ tools have many admin requirements and performance limitations, and were not built for today’s multi-faceted and omnichannel selling processes.

    At Logik.io, we think this simply isn’t good enough for today’s SaaS and subscription sellers, which is why we’ve taken a whole new approach to solution configuration and smart product recommendations.

    Curious to see how we enable SaaS sellers like you to supercharge your CPQ? 

    Watch this recorded webinar, Under the Hood with Logik: Configuring Complex SaaS & Subscription Deals in CPQ, to see how we’ve taken CPQ to a new level.


Interested to see how Logik.io could support your unique sales process? Our CPQ experts would be happy to chat.